External Functions
Customized functions can be created be implementing the ExternalFunction
The getValue() method should return a value in [0, 1].
public class MyStringSimilarity implements ExternalFunction {
public int getArity() {
return 2;
public ConstantType[] getArgumentTypes() {
return [ConstantType.String, ConstantType.String].toArray();
public double getValue(ReadableDatabase db, Constant... args) {
return args[0].toString().equals(args[1].toString()) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
A function comparing the similarity between two entities or text can then be declared as follows:
model.addFunction("MyStringSimilarity", new MyStringSimilarity());
A function can be used in the same manner as a predicate in rules:
Name(P1, N1) & Name(P2, N2) & MyStringSimilarity(N1, N2) -> SamePerson(P1, P2)